Government Data Centre/DR Location in Kragujevac

The future is here

With the Fourth Industrial, i.e. Digital Revolution, we have a chance to make up for lagging behind and catch up with more developed countries. This technological revolution will fundamentally change our lives, it is inevitable and unstoppable. Only winning societies choose to welcome changes, they do not averse from them. The digitization process will enhance the standard and quality of life for hundreds of thousands of Serbian citizens. Efficiency will be increased, costs will be reduced and new value will be created in almost all areas of life and work. The digitization process is the most important catalyst of innovations, competitiveness and growth.


The construction of the secondary Government Data Centre/Disaster Recovery Location in Kragujevac - is a project of importance for the Republic of Serbia. Preparatory activities on the construction of the secondary Government Data Centre, which will be built in the city of Kragujevac, on 5,000 square meters, are underway and the value of the project is 30 million EUR.


The Data Center will contribute to the smooth and reliable operation of eGovernment services, safe storage of registries data, and the development of future services. In this way, the work of the public administration will be improved, which will speed up the procedures and simplify the daily life of citizens and business operations for the economy.


On October 26, 2018, at the 20th regular session in the field of urban planning, the members of the Assembly of the City of Kragujevac adopted the Detailed Regulation Plan “Small Grains Research Institute – Working Zone FENIX”, on whose parcel of land the secondary Government Data Centre will be build.


The goal of constructing the secondary Government Data Centre is improving eBusiness systems, using state-of-the-art ICT capacities in providing services to users, reducing the risk of loss of data that is of great importance to the Republic of Serbia, and the development and support of the development of digital transformation in Serbia.