Mihailo Jovanović, PhD, Director of the Office for IT and eGovernment
Mihailo Jovanović, PhD was born in 1972 in Belgrade. He graduated and received his Master’s Degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, as one of the best students of his generation. He obtained his PhD Degree in Economic Sciences in 2012, and went on to defend his second Doctoral Thesis in the field of Mathematics and Computer Sciences in 2022, at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade.
He spent the first half of his working life at the Post of Serbia, where he as the Director responsible for IT, electronic communications and development contributed to the design and implementation of the new postal technology and information system and the construction of regional postal and logistics centres in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.
He contributed to the establishment of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in 2017, when he also became its Director. He was responsible for the intensive development of eGovernment services and infrastructure, the digital transformation of public administration, the progress of the digital economy, but also the recognition, trust and faith of citizens in eGovernment. The construction of the Government Data Centre in Kragujevac, as well as the implementation of electronic services Baby, Welcome to the World, eKindergarten, eEnrollment, My High School, eMailbox, Electronic Signature in the Cloud and many other left a permanent mark on the digitalization of public administration in Serbia.
In the period 2022-2024, he was the Minister of Information and Telecommunications in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, when three new laws were adopted (the Law on Electronic Communications and two media laws - the Law on Public Information and Media and the Law on Electronic Media), fully synchronized with EU legislation, whereby the RS fulfilled the obligations arising from the Stabilization and Association Agreement and the adoption of legal acquis within Chapter 10 - Information Society and Media.
He received an award from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in 2002 at a public call for the best young researchers and scientists and in 2022, he received the “Despot Stefan Lazarević” Award of the City of Belgrade for his outstanding contribution to the organization and implementation of vaccination of the population in Belgrade in 2021 in the circumstances of the declared global SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, he received a public recognition - the Plaque of St. George, the highest award of the city of Kragujevac for exceptional personal and professional commitment and achieved results in the field of digitalization, the construction of the Government Data Centre in Kragujevac and the initiative to build the Innovation District in Kragujevac.
According to the decision of the Managing Board of the National Alliance for Economic Development (NALED), he was declared the Reformer of the Year in 2023 because he was responsible for reforms related to the creation of an even development of modern telecommunications infrastructure, the introduction of broadband Internet in rural areas of our country, as well as overall contribution and support to the improvement of digitalization, the development of eGovernment and information security.
He is a member of the Main Board of the Serbian Progressive Party.
He is married and the father of two sons.