Digitalizing public administration

With the Fourth Industrial, i.e. Digital Revolution, we have a chance to make up for lagging behind and catch up with more developed countries. This technological revolution will fundamentally change our lives, it is inevitable and unstoppable. Only winning societies choose to welcome changes, they do not averse from them. The digitization process will enhance the standard and quality of life for hundreds of thousands of Serbian citizens. Efficiency will be increased, costs will be reduced and new value will be created in almost all areas of life and work. The digitization process is the most important catalyst of innovations, competitiveness and growth.


The Center for Security of the ICT System in republic bodies (CERT of republic bodies) was established within the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, in accordance with the Law on Information Security.


Pursuant to the Law on eGovernment, The Office for Information Technologies is a body in charge of designing, developing, establishing, maintaining and improving the unique information and communication network of eGovernment.


CERT of republic bodies performs tasks related to the protection against incidents in the ICT systems of republic bodies within the unique information and communication network of eGovernmnt, with the exception of the ICT system of independent operators.


Operations of CERT of republic bodies include:

  1. Protection of the ICT system of the unique information and communication network of eGovernment;
  2. Coordination and cooperation with ICT system operators, connected by the unique information and communication network of eGovernment, in the prevention of incidents, detection of incidents, gathering of information about incidents and elimination of the consequences of incidents;
  3. Issuing professional recommendations for the protection of ICT systems of republic bodies, except for the ICT system for dealing with classified information.


The main task of the CERT of republic bodies is to provide information security of ICT infrastructure, Office’s services and the unique information and communication network of eGovernment. This includes effective response and resolution of incidents when they occur, preventive activities in order to minimize the number of possible incidents and raising of awareness of state authorities on ICT security.



CERT of republic bodies organizes its activities through the following services:

Reactive services that include:

  • Responding to security incidents;
  • Responding to security vulnerabilities and omissions;
  • Warnings on identified incidents and vulnerabilities.

Proactive services that include:

  • Constant monitoring of used technologies;
  • Conducting security audits and evaluating Office systems and services;
  • Configuring and maintaining security tools;
  • Detecting system intrusion;
  • Publishing new information and news of importance for information security;
  • Knowledge dissemination to state authorities related to information security;
  • Conducting security audits and assessments.

Services in the domain of security quality management that include:

  • Risk analysis;
  • Ensuring continuous business operations in situations when incidents occur;
  • Raising awareness on information security;
  • Education of employees.


Information: info@cert.gov.rs