Assistant Director

Slavisa Antic

Sector for Legal, HR, Financial and Administrative Affairs

Slavisa Antic was born in 1969 in Kursumlija. He holds a Professional Master Degree in the field of economics. He completed his elementary education and graduated from the Mathematical Grammar School “Veljko Vlahovic” in Belgrade.

He has over 25 years of professional working experience in the Public Enterprise of PTT Communications “Srbija” and “Telekom Srbija a.d.”, where he has continuosly been in managerial positions for more than 15 years.

In “Telekom Srbija”, he worked in the Directorate for Business Customers and managed the Section for Sales to state authorities, public enterprises, large business systems, ISP, KDS, audio providers and other large business customers.

In the Directorate for Commercial Affairs, he managed the Investment Monitoring Service, which is in charge of coordinating activities with local self-governments and large business investors (green field investments, industrial zones / parks, residential and business facilities, shopping centers) related to design and building of ICT infrastructure.

In his previous career, working for the Directorate for Residential Customers,  he managed the Department of Sales of digital and online content, which is in charge of the implementation of mobile payment for services and products (mPayment, mParking, mMembership, mReceipt, video streaming, etc.).

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Serbia, he was decorated with the Medal of Labour.

He is socially active in his community through engagement in the School Board of the Elementary School “Bora Stankovic”.

Married and a proud father of two daughters and one son.

Possesses professional-level English language skills.



Biljana Marić

Sector for Legal, HR, Financial and Administrative Affairs

Biljana Marić was born in Bijeljina in 1972.

She completed Electrical Engineering High School in Bijeljina, and after that graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences "Mihajlo Pupin" in Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad. She also completed her Master's Academic Studies at her home university.

After graduation, she worked for 26 years in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Since 2018, she was part of the team of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in the position of Special Advisor to the Minister, Acting Assistant Minister for Secondary and Adult Education, as well as the Head of the Group for Digitalization in Education and Science.

She is a participant in domestic and international research projects related to the application of digital technologies and publishes scientific papers in domestic and international journals. She also participated in the implementation of international research aimed at developing digital literacy.

She joined the team of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment in December 2021, as the Head of the eGovernment Portal and Services Department.

As of November 2022, she has been managing the Sector for the Development of Information Systems and eGovernment.

Proud mother of two children, a daughter and a son.


Nenad Rakić

Sector for System Services and Licensing

Nenad Rakić was born in 1974 in Valjevo, where he graduated from Valjevo High School. He earned the title of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. Since 2005, he was working for PE Post of Serbia. He started his professional career as an engineer responsible for the administration of computer networks and continued as the Head of the Office for Monitoring and Administration of Computer Networks. As of 2011 until today, he worked as the Director of the Telecommunications Sector and the Head of the IT and TC Support Sector. As an engineer, he participated in the project of building the second largest IP MPLS computer network in Serbia. As a manager, he managed the following projects: the establishment of a monitoring centre for centralized monitoring of the operation of all IT systems and company resources, the implementation of a new corporate telephony system in the company, the implementation of a new contact centre, the optimization and consolidation of corporate printing in the company, the introduction of more software for the monitoring of ICT equipment, etc.

He is married and a proud father of daughter Minja and son Luka.

Boban Mihailović

Sector for Government Data Centres

Boban Mihailović was born in 1973 in Kragujevac. He completed elementary school and the First Technical High School in Kragujevac and earned the title of Electrical Computer Technician, after which he enrolled in the Technical Faculty in Čačak, University of Kragujevac, where he obtained the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.

Since 2002, he was working at the Kragujevac Waterworks, where he was engaged at all management levels and in 2016 became the Technical Director. He remained in that position until 2020, when he joined the team of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, where he has been monitoring the construction of the Government Data Centre in Kragujevac from the very beginning of the construction of the facility.

He actively participates in the processes of technical acceptance of the facility, trial operations, obtaining a use permit and exploitation of this most representative data centre in the region. He participates in all domestic and international standardization and certification projects in the Government Data Centre, as well as the implementation of technical solutions.

As of June 2022, he was appointed Acting Assistant Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment and manages the Sector for the Government Data Centre in Kragujevac.

He is a guest lecturer at the Academy of Vocational Studies Šumadija in Kragujevac.

He proudly mentions his wife Vesna and their children Neda and Petar.


Aleksandar Milinković

Sector for IT Infrastructure

Aleksandar Milinković was born in 1992 in Belgrade. He earned the title of Graduate Engineer in Organizational Sciences at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, and further improved his education through numerous certificates in the field of architecture and engineering of cloud infrastructure and services.

During his academic studies, Aleksandar showed a high level of interest in information technologies, and while still a student, he began the development of his professional career in this field.
With many years of experience in the private sector, Aleksandar joined the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment in early 2019. As a team member, he participated in the design and implementation of over two hundred information systems that serve citizens, businesses and government institutions.

As of October 2023, he has been appointed Acting Assistant Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, Sector for IT Infrastructure. In addition to the organization and efficient management of the Sector for IT infrastructure, he is particularly involved in the development and mentoring of young engineers, with the aim of their constant improvement and professional development.

Aleksandar stands out as a frequent guest and speaker at professional conferences, sharing his experience and expertise with the wider community. He continues to invest time and energy in continuous improvement and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and certificates.

In particular, he emphasizes his commitment to cyber security, where he actively participates in initiatives to spread awareness about the vulnerabilities of the global infrastructure. In this way, he wants to contribute to the formation of a community, which will unite experienced professionals and those who want to become one.


Milan Latinović

Support and Procurement Sector

Born in 1969 in Zemun, where he finished "Svetozar Miletić" elementary school. He completed his secondary education at the "Nikola Tesla" High School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, and obtained a Degree in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Telecommunications, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.

After a five-year engagement in the private sector in economic and financial affairs, in December 2001 he began his professional career in the field of telecommunications, most of which he spent in PE PTT Traffic Serbia - branches of "PTT KDS" i.e. "Post NET", where he was engaged as Engineer, Manager, Assistant Director and finally Director of the Cable Operator. In 2016, under his management, the Cable Operator "Post NET" achieved one of the best business results in its history.

In March 2017, he was employed again in the private sector, where he held the position of Head of the Design and Engineering Sector and Project Manager for the All IP Transformation Project, engaged in the project of constructing the optical network in Belgrade (the project was implemented by Telekom Srbija in partnership with Huawei and a large number of partners from the private sector). In that period, the contracted phase of constructing the Belgrade optical network in three areas (clusters) and the design of the fourth was successfully implemented.

After the establishment of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, in February 2018 he joined the Office team, where he was involved in a large number of projects, and since December 2018 he has been in the position of Sector Manager - Acting Assistant Director. He was appointed Acting Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment at the Session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on November 10, 2022 and he held that position until August 29, 2024.

At the Session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on September 5, 2024, he was appointed Acting Assistant Director in the Support and Procurement Sector.

He speaks English and is familiar with German.

He proudly acknowledges his wife, Biljana, and daughter, Sonja.


Dragana Bećić

Digitalization Standards Sector

Dragana Bećić was born in Belgrade in 1987. After graduating from the Third Belgrade Gymnasium, she enrolled in the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at the University of Belgrade, where she earned the title of Master Engineer in Organizational Sciences.

She started her career in the private sector in the field of marketing and sales. She also worked at the PE Post of Serbia, and in 2018 she joined the team of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, where she headed the Standardization and Certification Sector. During this period, her work was focused on establishing IT standards and innovations in the public administration of the Republic of Serbia, with a special focus on improving the user experience and accessibility of electronic services.

Her contribution to the projects of the Office for IT and eGovernment is particularly noteworthy, including the initiative for opening up public administration data, the redesign of the eGovernment Portal, as well as the establishment of the "Smart Serbia" platform for advanced data processing, the National Platform for Artificial Intelligence and other innovative solutions. Her work has significantly contributed to the improvement of reliability and efficiency of IT systems in the public administration of Serbia.

From October 2022 to May 2024, Dragana served as Special Advisor to the Minister at the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications. In this capacity, she actively participated in the development and implementation of key initiatives in the field of digitalization and information society.

In addition to her professional engagement, Dragana is committed to continuous improvement and monitoring of international trends in the implementation of IT systems and electronic services, in order to contribute to the further development of digital transformation in Serbia.